As the song says, if you're happy and you know it, clap your hands. Well, that's great, but if you're really happy, you could also leave us a nice review. As a small business, we really appreciate your feedback and support. Every good review helps us to grow and develop – and the more we grow, the more we can give back to you and community. That means higher quality videos, articles, and a wider range of stock at the keenest prices. Not only that, but the more we prosper, the more we will be giving to our charity of choice, the World Land Trust, ensuring that for every guitar we sell, we replant a tree in a vulnerable area of rainforest.

If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our service, we're also happy to hear from you, just get in touch through our contact page.


Our physical store will be closed Mon 31st March. Orders placed now will ship from Tue 1st April.